5 tips for reducing your carbon footprint within the home

News at Jones Robinson | 17/03/2022

As announced earlier this year, Jones Robinson has committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2030 or sooner, whilst helping our clients reduce their emissions too.

We’re currently working with Carbon Footprint Ltd to help calculate the carbon footprint of our business so that we can implement new policies, processes, and behaviours to achieve our pledge. We are also committed to supporting our clients in their efforts to become more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Make the changes you’ll be able to sustain 

We are aware that everyone’s circumstances are different for some, options such as installing solar panels or heat pumps aren’t feasible or realistic. The best way to commit to change is to make sure that change is going to be manageable and something you can commit to. Much like New Year’s resolutions, it’s often the bigger, more dramatic changes that people decide to let slip. By setting energy-efficient goals that are achievable, you are more likely to see them through. 

Our top tips! 

With this in mind, we thought it would be worthwhile to outline 5 simple and practical tips for reducing your carbon emissions within your property:

Assess your current situation with an EPC 

Anyone selling, renting or buying a home will be very familiar with an Energy Performance Rating (EPC). In short, an EPC rating is a review of a property’s energy efficiency. They’re most commonly used as a way for those looking to rent or buy a property as a way of finding out how much their energy bills are likely to be should they decide to buy or rent that property. In the UK, EPCs are carried out by EPC Assessors who will survey the home before producing a report which then appears on the property listing. This is presented on a colour-coded scale from A to G, with A being the most efficient with the cheapest fuel bills. Once issued, an EPC will be valid for 10 years.

Once you have an EPC the advice within it can be used to inform how you can make your home more energy-efficient. For example, the ‘top actions you can take to save money and make your home more efficient’ section is most suited to those already in a property looking to reduce their carbon footprint.  The improvements suggested here are usually the easiest and quickest to implement and this section should also detail both the cost implications and potential savings from making these changes to your property.

Use less water 

Processing and delivering water to a home uses up a lot of energy. Using less water can therefore reduce and lower your carbon footprint. There are a number of ways to do this including purchasing water jugs or filters to ensure you aren’t turning the tap on and off every time you want a drink, turning the shower on when you are in the shower not just before (shorter showers are in general a great way to use less water) and measuring the water you need before putting a pan on to boil. Simply being more aware of how much you run the tap is another great way to look at water use. For example, many of us have the tap continuously running when filling the kettle, cooking with water or, the most common example of this, brushing our teeth. Being more aware of turning the tap off during these activities can make a big difference. 

Use a low-flow showerhead 

If you want to take being water-efficient even further, a low-flow showerhead is designed to reduce the amount of water wasted when showering, by restricting the volume of water that they allow to flow through them. They can be very cost-effective and easy to install. 

Change your lightbulbs 

From October 2021, the UK government ended the sales of halogen light bulbs, and this is due to be followed by a ban of fluorescent bulbs in 2023. The alternative LED lights are more energy-efficient as they use 80% less energy to produce the same amount of light and last five times longer. Most people have already replaced their light bulbs with LED lights but it is still worth checking and reviewing your lights to ensure you are being as energy efficient as possible. Statistics show that by replacing all the bulbs in your home with LED lights, you could potentially reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by up to 55kg a year. 

Once you’ve changed the bulbs…turn them off more! 

Similar to running a tap when cleaning our teeth, many of us will leave a room and leave the light on without really thinking about it. Or when working from home, as so many of us have been the last couple of years, switch on the light in the morning for a video call, or because it hasn’t got light yet, and not turn it off for the rest of the day. Being more conscious of this and switching a light off when you leave a room can reduce your carbon footprint. 

Finally, a few more quick tips!

  • Unplugging electrical devices when they aren’t in use 
  • Turning the heating down
  • Adjusting the timings of your heating
  • Fit insulation to the walls to reduce the need for heating 
  • Use locally sourced food for cooking 
  • Draught proof windows and doors to reduce draft and the need for heating 

These areas and more are likely to be explored in future blogs so keep an eye on our social media pages for more information regarding achieving net zero. 

About Jones Robinson

Established more than 24 years ago, you can be assured that we are the experts when it comes to selling and letting property.  

We will be able to advise you where it is best to advertise your property, the best times to sell or rent a house and how to add value to your home.  

We are always open and honest about the sales and rental process, whether this is your first house sale or your 10th!

This will ensure that you know exactly what to expect. We are also always at the end of the phone or email should you have any questions or queries. 

As leading, local estate agents in NewburyDidcotLambourn & HungerfordMarlborough and Devizes and the surrounding areas, we are best placed to help you sell your property. We can even help you in finding your next home.